Our Story

Seesaw Beans and Coffee is dedicated to providing specialized job training and employment opportunities to adults with developmental disabilities.

Our Values


We take a person-centered approach, supporting the belief that anybody can work as long as they find the job that fits their strengths and needs. We encourage the principle of self-determination, working alongside people with developmental disabilities and encouraging them to choose their desired employment.


We utilize innovation to enhance traditional models of employment training and support services through entrepreneurial ventures and business location sites. Our focus is to provide a hands-on approach to work experience through community integration and employment training on open job sites.


We apply pivot to all of our decisions, taking pride in our ability to change direction and adapt to the ever-evolving circumstances, people, and climates that our community goes through. Pivot is also the principle that is used for providing ongoing and lifetime support to people with developmental disabilities.


We aim to reproduce our model of employment training and supportive services all over the world. Through replication, we also seek to partner with other businesses in the community in order to provide more opportunities for employment and effective community integration for individuals with developmental disabilities.